Reformation | Rehabilitation | Reintegration

Project Second Chance, as conceptualised by Turn Your Concern Into Action
(TYCIA) Foundation, aims to reform, rehabilitate and reintegrate at risk youth between ages 18-21 years through an impact oriented 360 degree intervention.
Under the leadership of Mr. Sudhir Yadav (Ex DG, Delhi Prison) TYCIA Foundation got a chance to gain an understanding about Jail No. 5 (youth jail) in Tihar Prisons.
Correctional education improves 13% chances of inmates not returning to prison.
Every dollar spent on prison education saves four to five dollars on the cost of reincarceration."
Inmates who participate in correctional education programs had a 43 percent lower odds of committing crime than those who did not.
Statistics given above are part of a 36 year study done by RAND Corp, Netherlands *

93% are
unemployable on industrial parameters in which 97% work in unorganised sectors post release
1 out of 3 inmates have mental health history related to disturbed childhood, addiction, single parenting etc
24% inmates are habitual to have conflict with law and need psychological support to come out of vicious circle.
More than 22% population is inside for a crime against women of which 78% are charged for Rape or POCSO
63% of inmates have competency of below 5th grade where 16% inmates can’t read and write alphabets
Statistics above are from a need assessment study done in youth prison with 600 inmates*
Second Chance Fellowship
12 month full-time fellowship program focusing on developing quality interventions and facilitating sessions on life skills and education in prisons and coming up with exciting projects.
Kunji - Prison Helpline
Facilitating ex-inmates over phone with help of a location-wise data of various NGOs and government institutions that are working on issues that ex-inmates face, like Drug De-addiction, Mental health, Housing/Food/Clothing, Employment, Conflict Resolution, Life-Skills, Legal-Aid, Education.
Better-life Prison School
A full day long operational school which includes functional literacy, wage/self-skill training, life skill training, drug de-addiction and healthcare support.
Project Rihai
A crowdfunding platform to get people out on bail who have completed their sentence and do not have money to provide bail.It is only done for inmates who are recommended by prison staff on the account of reformed behaviour in their prison time and do not have any financial support from families.
Project Unlearn
Context-based education and life skills intervention by young incarcerated men which aims to end gender based violence and crime by intensive workshops and sessions inside prisons and communities .
Safe space within prison to express and initiate dialogues on topics such as sexuality & substance abuse. Enabling individuals to effectively handle issues/ problems commonly encountered in daily life through critical thinking along counselling and therapy.
Recidivism Rate
Lowered the rate of recidivism by 3% in past 18 months, direct impact on repeaters ward.
Realisation and Actualisation
1800+ inmates were taken to a journey of recognising the impact of their actions through life skills.
150+ students were motivated to give board exams under NIOS.
100+ appeared for IGNOU exams.
60+ inmates are employed part time within the premises of the prison post completion of our classes.
Created a team of 20 + peer leaders among inmates to run programs further which makes it more sustainable.
On-ground work​
2500 + hours spent inside taking workshop and classes by fellows.
60% growth in the language and arithmetic level since the commencement of the project
